Q&A: In a nutshell

Q: How much will it cost me? 

A: Qivu operates on a value-based model per project fee. We understand the world is fluid and so are we.

Q: When do I need to call you

A: Whenever you have a dilemma or see that your organisation will be facing an unwanted challenge or is entering unchartered waters; to achieve an outcome that you have been spending the management time and resources to achieve with no success and detracting efforts to the core of your processes and activity. 

In essence, the sooner we can assist the more effective we will be. The domain of strategy consulting focuses on supporting private sector clients with the development of corporate / business unit strategies and helping public sector organisations with public policy.

We are normally called for one or more of the five main interventions : Corporate Strategy, Public Sector Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Organisational Strategy and Functional Strategy. 

Q: What does a strategy specialist do?

A: Strategy specialists are hired by clients to support them with strategic decision making, which includes the development of strategy and to an extent also the execution of strategic plans. As the responsibility for strategic decision-making falls under the mandate of CxO’s and (senior) management, strategy specialists typically work for executives and high-ranked managers. 

The main task of a strategy specialist is to provide a strategic advice on a certain management topic. Several activities are part of this phase, including coherent and neutral data gathering through research, surveys and/or interviews, hypothesis-testing, (fact-based) data analysis, stress testing, setting up a recommendation and subsequently presenting the advice to client management. The implementation of the strategy – known as ‘strategy execution’ – involves translating strategies to action plans and implementing these plans within the organisation, including areas such project management and benefit realisation. 

Qivu takes a holistic look at specific problems companies are dealing with and give advice on how they should approach them, starting with a 30.000 miles view and digging into specifics.